Promise Fund Mammography Screening Center at FoundCare Exceeds Goal by Screening More Than 1000 Patients in Less Than 1 Year
Aug 31, 2021
Link to Story at South Florida Hospital News
The Promise Fund Mammography Screening Center at FoundCare in West Palm Beach recently screened their 1000th patient. The milestone comes less than a year after the new service at FoundCare opened in late October 2020, far exceeding the two nonprofits’ initial goals. Of those screened, more than 60 women across the Promise Fund of Florida Network have been diagnosed with cancer. More than 80% of the cancer was detected in stages 0-2, far earlier than the cancer would likely have been caught without the availability of the screening center.
Longtime FoundCare patient, 65-year-old Virginia Flores became the 1000th patient to be screened after putting off getting a mammogram for the past three years. She says even though she has insurance, the co-pay would have cost her $200 for the mammogram, making the vital breast cancer screening unaffordable for her. The Promise Fund Mammography Screening Center provides subsidized screenings to enable uninsured and underinsured women the opportunity to get their potentially life-saving yearly exams. FoundCare serves every patient who comes through the doors, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.
“It’s very important because cancer can pop-up at any time,” says Flores. “I don’t have any family members with cancer, but I have friends that lost friends that said, ‘If only I could have gotten screened.’”
The Promise Fund of Florida helped fund the Promise Fund Mammography Screening Center and secure the state-of-the-art 3D mammography machine. FoundCare is one of seven partner health providers in the Promise Fund of Florida Network that helps provide breast and cervical screenings, diagnostic and cancer care to underserved women. A Promise Fund of Florida Navigator also works at each health partner to guide patients through the healthcare system, and help eliminate all barriers to care including financial assistance, transportation, translation, finding childcare and food assistance.
In addition to exceeding their mammogram screening goals, Promise Fund of Florida Navigators have also helped more than 1800 patients this year, 10% more than their targeted goal. Nearly 3600 underserved patients have also been helped through community outreach and education, exceeding their goal by 35%, a significant increase given the limitations of COVID-19.
“We are extremely thankful for the support of our community who made these tremendous milestones possible, but our work has just begun. We look at this success as just the beginning in our goal to bring health equity to the more than 85,000 uninsured and underserved women in Palm Beach County. It is our mission to bring peace of mind to every woman, knowing that we are there to help them get the vital breast and cervical screenings, diagnostic and cancer care they need. Our hope is that the Promise Fund of Florida’s continuum of care will serve as model for systemic change in women’s healthcare to communities across the nation,” says Nancy Brinker, Co-Founder, Promise Fund of Florida.
“Adding our Women’s Health Program and the Promise Fund Mammography Screening Center to our one-stop health center has been a game changer for new and longtime FoundCare patients like Virginia,” said Yolette Bonnet, FoundCare, Inc., CEO. “Women who put off their mammography screenings because they cannot afford them, or are limited on time, can now find help at FoundCare. Thanks to support from the Promise Fund, we have a state-of-the-art 3D mammography unit, generously donated by Hologic, Inc., that has and will continue to save many women’s lives through preventative care. Women whose results come back abnormal are no longer expected to navigate the process alone. We have a support system through our Promise Fund of Florida Navigators who will be there for them every step of the way. We are sincerely grateful for this incredible partnership.”
FoundCare accepts most insurance plans, Medicaid, Medicare and self-pay on a sliding fee scale based on household size and income. For more information about FoundCare’s services, please call 561-HEALTHY (561) 432-5849 or visit
About the Promise Fund of Florida:
Promise Fund of Florida is a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating barriers to quality healthcare and reducing deaths from late-stage breast and cervical cancer for residents of South Florida through early detection, diagnosis and treatment. The Promise Fund of Florida supports uninsured and underinsured women who are at risk of or battling breast and cervical cancer. The Promise Fund of Florida creates a culture of health by helping women obtain preventative cancer screenings and become more informed agents of their healthcare journey. The Promise Fund of Florida is redefining the care model by serving as a liaison between patients and all of the service providers they require – from screening, to treatment, to remission. The organization was co-founded by Susan G. Komen founder Nancy G. Brinker, Julie Fisher Cummings and Laurie Silvers. For more information, visit