Open Dialogue. Open Minds. Open Hearts.
June 2, 2020
I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts and reflections on the happenings in our country right now. Both to acknowledge what I know many are feeling, and to open a dialogue here for any and all who may be interested in sharing their own personal stories and feelings. The demonstrations happening all over the country are the result of long-standing frustration. There are voices that need to be heard, and we as a community need to stand together to listen, learn, and improve.
I am personally shaken by the injustices we have witnessed and am saddened by the reality of the progress we still have to make as a society to address disparities and respect the equality of human life. June being Pride Month also serves as a reminder of the efforts we have put in, and so much of the work that remains to be done. This is a long road and we cannot stop or give up on the process of talking, listening, learning and growing TOGETHER.
In a video produced recently by former President George W. Bush, he urged Americans to “remember how small our differences are” in a time of crisis. “In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise.” This statement resonates with me and serves as strong reminder that change starts with the decisions we choose to make as individuals.
I share this because I feel it needs to be acknowledged, and because I want to encourage more dialogue, not less – so that we can listen, learn, and grow together not as different races but as fellow Americans in this critical moment for our country.